Monday, March 1, 2010

Becky's Ideas for Getting A Teaching Job

I am a fifth grade teacher. Here is my advice for landing a teaching job.

I landed my first teaching job by substituting in the district for a year before getting my job. I was available to sub every day, wherever they needed me, any position, any school, any time of day. I applied for many positions, and had a solid demonstration lesson.

I landed my first teaching job because I possess these qualities...I have a good work ethic. I am creative and artistic, which helps to make an interesting lesson. My college education program set high discipline and behavioral standards for their students and I now possess these standards. I am kind and respectful to my students and peers.

Finding a teaching job can be hard, but here is some advice to make it easier...To land a teaching position today, one must be innovative- especially with technology skills. Act and dress professionally, but don’t appear to be too stuffy and unapproachable. Let your love of teaching shine through when speaking to administrators during interviews and to the students when you are teaching. Good luck!

This post is part of the Teaching Jobs Portal: “How to land a Teacher Job”. What was your journey like to become a teacher? If you’d like to share your experience with other aspiring teachers please see this post for more information